Can Auto Insurance Companies Drop Your Coverage? - Boyd Agency

By Garland Boyd | October 25, 2019

Can Auto Insurance Companies Drop Your Coverage?

Garland Boyd: How you doing? This is Garland Boyd from the Boyd Agency located at 22209 Jamaica Avenue in Queens Village, New York. I’m making this video today because I like to put information out on questions I get from clients sometimes, and this is a question that I get quite often and I’m going to put it out there so hopefully this helps you if you have the same question. I always get asked, how can an insurance company just drop me like that, because the accident I had was a no fault accident? Well in the state of New York, that’s a loaded question. No fault in the state of New York has nothing to do with how the accident happened. No fault in the state of New York is a law, the No Fault Law, which requires that everyone in the state of New York who drives an automobile, has liability coverage, has nothing to do with how the accident happened.
When you are in an accident, what governs and determines your liability in the accident is something called comparative negligence, meaning that the insurance companies look at all the facts of the accident, determine your percentage of liability, the other person’s percentage of liability, and assign percentage to each person based on how the accident happened. So there’s no such thing as a no fault accident.
Now there is an accident you can have where you had no liability. For example, if your car was parked and hit or you were sitting at a light and somebody rear-ended you, those are accidents where there was no liability, all right? So when you have those terms and you say, “No fault,” well, it was a no fault. No. No fault is a law in the state of New York that requires everyone to have liability coverage. What that means is that regardless of how the accident happened, you will be covered for your liability and you also will have your medical bills paid regardless of how the accident happened or fault in the accident. That is the No Fault Law in the state of New York.
I hope that helps somebody out. And again, yes, you can be non-renewed if you do have multiple accidents, sometimes whether their your fault or not.

